Dr Pierre-Jean RENAUDIE | Associate Professor in Philosophy | Univ. of Lyon
PhD Paris-Sorbonne University, 2010
MA Paris-Sorbonne University, 2004
Agrégation de Philosophie, 2003
I am Associate Professor in Philosophy (Maître de conférences) at the University of Lyon, in France, and a member of the research Center IRPHIL. I received my PhD in Philosophy from Paris-Sorbonne University, where I taught Philosophy from 2004 to 2012 and defended a dissertation on Edmund Husserl’s theory of knowledge and the emergence of phenomenology at the turn of the XXth Century. After being awarded in 2012 an international research grant (IRCA) from the University of Sydney, I was appointed as a FCT post-doctoral researcher and joined in 2013 the Mind Language and Action Group (MLAG) at the University of Porto.
I am currently working on the various forms of violence that self-knowledge entails, approaching this question from a perspective that builds bridges between phenomenology and philosophy of mind. My research explores the moral and epistemological shortcomings that stem from the authority and privilege granted to the first-person in self-knowledge. I am developing some of these questions through a collaborative research project untitled “The social Making of the Self” for which I was awarded a Grant from the Thomas Jefferson Fund (FACE Foundation) and from the Labex COMOD (Université de Lyon). Developed in tight collaboration with Daniel Rodriguez-Navas and the New School from Social Research in New York, this project aims at building an international research team analyzing the impact of social norms and normative processes on the constitution of the Self.
I published a book on the relations between language and perception in Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology (Husserl on Categories. Language, Thought, Perception, Paris, Vrin, 2015), two co-edited books (Phenomenologies of Matter with C. V. Spaak, and Intentionnality, Meaning, Antipsychologism with D. Pradelle) and several articles in French and English on topics related to intentionality, self-knowledge, epistemology, phenomenology and psychology. I wrote on Kant, Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Derrida, and am interested in showing how phenomenological analyses can address some of the challenges related to the question of self-knowledge and brought up by recent philosophy of mind (mainly in the works of Sellars, Castaneda, Shoemaker, McDowell, Moran…).
More details about the different aspects of my research can be found in the “Research” section of this website, and a selection of articles and book chapters is available in the “Selected Publications” section (in English and in French).
I have been working as a researcher in France, Australia, the USA and Portugal. Beside my research collaboration with the Universities of Porto and Lisbon in Portugal, I am a member of the Husserl Archives (Paris). I have also been an Adjunct Fellow at Western Sydney University and an Honorary Fellow at Deakin University in Melbourne.
Areas of interest : Contemporary continental Philosophy, Phenomenology (German and French), Philosophy of Mind, Kant’s Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Psychology, Epistemology and Metaphysics, Moral Psychology
Professional Website: http://facdephilo.univ-lyon3.fr/m-renaudie-pierre-jean
Contact: pierre-jean.renaudie@univ-lyon3.fr
Dr PIERRE-JEAN RENAUDIE | Associate Professor in Philosophy
Faculté de Philosophie de l’Université Lyon III – Jean Moulin
15, Quai Claude Bernard
BP 638 – 69239 Lyon Cedex 02 – FRANCE