3. The moral problems related to self-knowledge


My most recent works investigate the epistemological and moral issues related to self-knowledge and attempt to develop a phenomenological approach to the question of self-knowledge. I have published a few articles and book chapters relating to this wider project that constitutes the core of my post-doctoral research (see below). I am currently preparing the translation and publication in French of a selection of important texts that have been published in contemporary English speaking literature on that topic. I intend to deepen these studies by analyzing the moral consequences of the irreducible gap between two different ways of knowing oneself, from a first or a third-person perspective. This part of my research will lead me to ask how self-concealment can take an active part in the process of self-knowledge. I aim at publishing a book on the constitution of the self in self-knowledge that will analyze the role of moral and epistemic virtues such as honesty and lucidity in autobiographical narratives.


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