Pierre-Jean Renaudie
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Selected Publications
Husserl on Categories. Language, Thought, Perception
Phenomenologies of matter
Intentionnality, Meaning, Antipsychologism
Articles and Book Chapters
in English
Jean-Paul Sartre (Stanford Encyclopedia)
Sartre and Cavell on Self-knowledge
Sartre and Husserl on Elusiveness of the Self
Jean-Luc Marion and Edmund Husserl on Givenness
Description, Reduction, Reflection
in French
Intolerable alterity. Husserl on the transcendental intolerance of the Ego
The Foundations of Psychology and the semantic Paradigm for intentionality
Heidegger and Husserl on Metaphysical Neutrality
Saying “I”: Derrida and Husserl
Sartre’s literary theory and philosophy of mind
Brentano and Husserl on Intentionality and Reality
On Phenomenological Reflection
Psychology and Phenomenology
Brentano, McDowell and Husserl on phenomenological speech
Expression and Description
To have and have not. On Jocelyn Benoist’s philosophical thought
Research Strands
1. Language and Perception
2. German and Austrian Philosophies
3. Self-knowledge
4. Phenomenological Experience
Research Grants and Awards
Recent conferences
Research Program
Teaching Materials
2024-25 L3 – Métaphysique
M2PC / 2024-25 – Sartre et la phénoménologie de la lecture
Bibliographie sélective des ouvrages de Sartre
Textes cités et analysés
Textes complémentaires
2024-25 – Master Culture et santé – Philosophie du corps
De la maladie à la souffrance. Approches phénoménologiques et herméneutiques. Textes
2024-25 M1 – Philosophie Contemporaine
2024-25 L3 – Philosophie contemporaine
2021-22 – M2 EEDD – La nature
2021-22 M2PC – Philosophie française
2021-22 M2 PC – Philosophie allemande
Textes complémentaires
Textes cités et analysés
Archives 2019-2020
2019-20 Cours de L1 – Philosophie morale
2019-20 – L2 – Philosophie des sciences humaines et sociales
2020 – Licence 3 S6 – textes allemands
Archives 2018-19
2017-18 – Cours de L1 – La connaissance de soi
2017-18 – Cours de Licence 3 – S6 – Textes allemands
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Employment History
List of Publications
Presentations in Conferences and Seminars
Research Grants and Awards
Academic Service and Activities
Husserl, Méditations cartésiennes